Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Welcome to Weaver's Blog.

I started this blog for a couple of reasons:

The first reason is that I have come to the realization that I lost touch with a lot of people who are very important in my life. Lately I've tried to make of an effort and it has been very rewarding. I would like to continue it through this amazing thing the kids are calling the "interweb". Since I am so far away from many of you and, frankly, too lazy to pick up the phone on a regular basis, I would love to hear from all of you on this blog. I think we can do it this way.

The other reason is to have spirited, open, and well thought out debates on various topics of my (or other contributor's, which I'll get into later) choosing. Kinda like coffee talk sans verklempt.

Contributors: I want as many contributors as possible. I want a wide range of opinions; conservative, liberal, libertarian, constitutionalist, whatever. And people should comment accordingly. My goal here is to get many ideas out there without the usual bullshit commenst that many people (especially in my age bracket) tend to resort to in a discussion. So far there is one other contributor, Mr. Kevin Marshall, who will undoubtedly provide heated discussion topics for all to weigh in.

I really look forward to all contributions, comments, and discussions on this blog. I can't wait to hear from several people who have become distant (the blame is on me) over the years and hopefully help me turn this blog idea into a meaningful experience for me and all people who read it.

Thank you,

Jarrod Weaver

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