Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Improper Dog Etiquette

The sun in shining, the air is warm, the parks are green and lucious, and the trees are in bloom. This can only mean one thing. Fucking idiots bringing their dogs to restaurants. What the fuck?!?!?! I don't even know where to begin on this.

My main problem with this is a result of a restaurant actually trying to do the right thing. Allow me to explain. When the weather is nice many restaurants have a license to extend their restaurant, with barriers of course, to the sidewalk to provide outdoor seating for it's patrons. Well sometimes people want to bring their dog out to dinner with them and the establishment requires them to leave the dog on the leash AND outside the barrier. Seems logical to not have a dog in a restaurant citing several (and also basic) city health standards (which is another issue all together. 2+2=4 moron). So now not only does the establishment's outdoor seating area take up half the city sidewalk, but we have to worry about your dog. Why, as a human and MUCH more important than cainine, am I forced to negotiate sidewalk congestion (garbage, other people, you fucking DOG) for the comfort of both your dog and you as a selfish person who cant realize that maybe the dog should sit this little excursion out. And eventually another dog is going to walk by and everything is going to have to stop while the dogs say hello to each other and possibly play/fight each other. Then the dog, who you have idiotically tied the leash to the table, your chair, or the barrier is going to take off like a bat out of hell and possibly cause a big commotion.

Are you not at all worried that your dog doesnt like sitting/laying down on concrete for an hour while you eat delicious food (all food is delicious looking to dogs by the way)? Are you not worried about someone in a rush not seeing your dog and tripping over the dog and doing a faceplant into a filthy and very hard sidewalk potentially causing serious injury? Well I bet you would be more worried that your dog was OK and not even the slightest bit concerned about the person.

Dont get me wrong, I like dogs. By all means walk them and take them to the park and let them shit on my sidewalk (please take care of that by the way) and let them play with other dogs. May I please pet your dog? If I am at the park please, let your dog approach me. I actually dont blame the dogs at all. Its not their fault you are a total selfish idiot.

Since its about 96.42% females who do this incredibly rude and selfish act of idiocracy I will leave you with one last thought. Your mothers are not going to forgive you for not bearing them grandchildren by having a dog that you call your kid and take to public places.

I know its harsh, but at least I'm giving it you straight. You are a total selfish person who thinks only of themselves. If you were really thinking about the dog, you would eat your dinner and take to dog for a nice long walk on a beautiful spring day. Not make them sit or lay down on a sidewalk and taunt them with food. Grow up and think of others, including your dog.

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